SUP Aqua Marina GLOW LED strălucitor magic

8 ianuarie 2024
SUP Aqua Marina GLOW LED strălucitor magic
Innovation meets excitement with GLOW, the world's first glowing SUP.
Enjoy day and night paddling with its mesmerising luminosity, making every moment on the water magical.
The All-around design ensures versatility across various waters and weather conditions.
With a stable and robust body, smooth rowing becomes effortless.
Equipped with our cutting-edge Woven Drop-stitch Technology, ECO-PRINTTM Technology, and Heat Fusion Welding Technology, the GLOW is not only lighter but also extremely environmentally friendly.
Embrace the future of paddle boarding with GLOW.
Experience the game-changing power of our revolutionary Woven Drop Stitch technology.
Unlike traditional Knitted Drop-stitch material, it reduces weight by 10% while maintaining board rigidity.
Its translucent design allows the woven texture to shine through, showcasing the innovation within.
Our latest GLOW board utilises this cutting-edge technology, making it not only lighter, but stronger and stiffer.
Discover the future of water sports with Woven Drop Stitch Technology.


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